Sunday, February 12, 2012

VC Nổ Súng Nga Tàu Vào Dân Việt

Các hình chụp bởi nhiếp ảnh gia Liên-Xô Dmitri Baltermants (1912-1990) tại miền Bắc Việt-Nam năm 1955.

Man looking at posters of new leaders shortly before Communist takeover of city from the French. Oct 1954

(Mao, Hồ và Ma-Lanh-Cốp)
Portraits of Communist Leaders quickly are displayed on the buildings.
A photo of Ho Chi Minh, Viet Nam Communist leader, is flanked by shots
of Russia's Premier Malenkov, (L), and Red China's Mao Tse-Tung.

North Vietnamese Looking at Portraits of Communist Leaders

Trial of a "bourgeois" landowner in North Vietnam, 1955 - Đấu tố địa chủ tại Bắc Việt

1955, North Vietnam --- A committee member speaks during the trial of a "bourgeois" landowner in North Vietnam, 1955. --- Image by © The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS

Trial of a "bourgeois" landowner in North Vietnam, 1955

1955, North Vietnam --- A "bourgeois" landowner is denounced before a tribunal in North Vietnam, 1955. --- Image by © The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS
1955, North Vietnam --- A "bourgeois" landowner is denounced before a tribunal in North Vietnam, 1955. --- Image by © The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS
1955, North Vietnam --- A "bourgeois" landowner is tried before a tribunal in North Vietnam, 1955. --- Image by © The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS
1955, North Vietnam --- A "bourgeois" landowner, executed after a trial before a committee. --- Image by © The Dmitri Baltermants Collection/CORBIS

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