Friday, February 24, 2017

A state senator is removed from the chamber for her comments about Tom Hayden and Vietnam-Bill Laurie

A state senator is removed from the chamber for her comments about Tom Hayd...

A state senator is removed from the chamber for her comments about Tom Hayden and Vietnam

John Myers and Melanie Mason
State Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove). (Rich Pedroncelli / Associated Press)
After trying to make a statement about the late Tom Hayden and his opposition to the Vietnam War, Sen. Janet Nguyen (R-Garden Grove) was removed from the floor of the state Senate on Thursday, a tense scene that ended in a slew of angry accusations from both Republicans and Democrats.

Nguyen, who was brought to the United States as a Vietnamese refugee when she was a child, said she wanted to offer "a different historical perspective" on what Hayden and his opposition to the war had meant to her and other refugees.

Hayden, the former state legislator who died last October, was remembered in a Senate ceremony Tuesday.

Nguyen's comments were interrupted by the Senate's majority leader, Sen. Bill Monning (D-Carmel), who said she was "out of order." Nguyen, however, refused to stop talking. The presiding officer for the day, Sen. Ricardo Lara (D-Bell Gardens), then instructed the Senate's sergeants-at-arms to remove the Republican lawmaker from the floor.

CA Senate floor Thurs morning: Abbreviated video of roughly 4 minute incident where @SenJanetNguyen was removed for comments on Tom Hayden.

"I'm very sad because the very people who elected me to represent them and be their voice on the Senate floor, I wasn't allowed to speak on their behalf," Nguyen said later in an interview with The Times.

Democrats insisted that the incident was caused by Nguyen's choice to use what's known as a "point of personal privilege" to close the session — a choice they said was inappropriate. Dan Reeves, chief of staff to Senate President Pro Tem Kevin de León (D-Los Angeles), told reporters that Nguyen had been offered the chance to speak at a different time.

"She got exactly what she wanted, which wasn't to speak," Reeves said. "She wanted to cause a scene for her district."

Nguyen said she was told by Democratic leaders of the Senate to post her statement online, and not offer it during Thursday's floor session. Later, they suggested she speak after the adjournment motions, but Nguyen said she was told by parliamentary rules officials she could not do so.

"I was told I cannot speak on the issue at all," she said.

Hayden was an outspoken critic of the Vietnam War and made celebrated trips to North Vietnam and Cambodia, offering to help broker a peaceful end. Nguyen, who did not speak during the remembrance of Hayden earlier in the week, said the late Democratic activist's efforts were seen differently by refugees and "all those who fought in Vietnam for freedom and democracy."

In the statement which she later posted on her official Senate website , Nguyen criticized Hayden for siding "with a communist government that enslaved and/or killed millions of Vietnamese, including members of my own family."

At an unrelated event after the Senate session, De León told reporters he planned to speak with Nguyen and take a closer look at the circumstances surrounding the unusual event.

Update 4:40 p.m. This story has been updated with additional information about the statement the senator was attempting to read when she was removed from the Senate chamber.

Bill Laurie chuyen

Thượng nghị sĩ tiểu bang California Janet Nguyễn bị buộc rời sàn thượng viện tiểu bang California khi bà đọc một bài diễn văn chỉ trích cố thượng nghị sĩ tiểu bang California, Tom Hayden, một người được biết đến cùng vợ ông là bà Jane Fonda, đã từng mạnh mẽ chống chiến tranh Việt Nam.

Trong khi đang đọc bài diễn văn, bà Janet Nguyễn đã bị tắt microphone và bị an ninh đưa ra khỏi nghị trường vì bị cho là vi phạm thủ tục nghị trường. Phóng viên SBTN đã phỏng vấn thượng nghị sĩ Janet Nguyễn khi bà vừa từ thủ phủ Sacramento bay về văn phòng tại Quận Cam.

Video clip của SBTN, xin click vào link dưới đây:

-----Original Message-----
From: Senator Janet Nguyen 
To: amsfv
Sent: Fri, Feb 24, 2017 10:01 am
Subject: BREAKING NEWS: Senator Janet Nguyen Issues Statement Regarding Her Forcible Removal from the Senate Floor During Adjournment in Memory of Vietnamese and Vietnamese Refugees

Thưa Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH...

Xin chuyển đến Quý Vị, Quý NT và CH....

Một trường hợp điển hình về sự kỳ thị đối với người Mỹ Gốc Việt về "Quyền Tự Do Phát Biểu / Freedom Of Speech Right", ngay khi nhân vật này đã là một Thượng Nghị Sĩ của tiểu bang California...

Video clip của Văn phòng TNS Janet Nguyễn và bản tin của Mercury News về sự việc đã xảy ra sáng hôm nay, Thứ Năm, 23 tháng 2, 2017, 
tại phòng họp của Thượng Viện tiểu bang California...

TNS Janet Nguyễn đã lên tiếng chỉ trích cố TNS của Cali là Tom Hayden, vì những hành vi của hắn, (một tên đại phản chiến, thân cộng, công khai ủng hộ Việt cộng, thù ghét Việt Nam Cộng Hòa, chồng cũ của Jane Fonda) và TNS Janet Nguyễn đã bị Thượng viện Cali., với đại đa số là đảng viên dân chủ ngăn cản, tắt microphone, không cho tiếp tục phát biểu (sau vài lời bằng Anh Ngữ ngắn ngủi), bị nhân viên an ninh đưa ra khỏi phòng họp của Thượng viện Cali.

TNS Jean Fuller, thủ lãnh TNS đảng Cộng Hòa tại Thượng viện Cali. đã lên tiếng phản sự việc xảy ra sáng hôm nay với đối với TNS Janet Nguyễn.

Thiển nghĩ, với tổ chức hành pháp điển hình với tên Jerry Brown, lập pháp và tư pháp trong tay đông đảo là thành viên đảng dân chủ và liberals, California ngày nay không còn là "thiên đường", đặc biệt đối với tập thể người Việt Quốc Gia Tỵ Nạn cộng sản nữa...

Xin mời Quý Vị theo dõi video clip và bản tin...

Để tường và tùy nghi thẩm định...

Washington, D.C 

Xin click vào link dưới đây : TNS Janet Nguyễn phát biểu...

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For Immediate Release
February 23, 2017
Contact: Dave Gilliard

Phone: 916-626-6804

California Democrat leaders shut down mic, order Senator Janet Nguyen removed from Senate floor for Adjourning in Memory of Vietnamese Refugees

SACRAMENTO, CA - - California Republican Senator Janet Nguyen, a refugee from Vietnam, had her speech cut off and was forcibly removed from the State Senate floor this morning as she spoke out in memory of fallen Vietnamese refugees who fled persecution and oppression.

Senator Nguyen, who escaped Vietnam on a wooden boat and immigrated to the United States as a young child after her family members were arrested and murdered by the North Vietnamese Communist regime, sought to put some historical perspective on a resolution honoring Former Senator Tom Hayden, an anti-war activist who openly supported North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

A video of this morning’s incident can be viewed HERE.

A video detailing Senator Janet Nguyen’s life story can be viewed HERE.

Paid for by Janet Nguyen for Senate 2018, FPPC ID#1373835

GOP senator, a Vietnamese refugee, removed from California Senate floor after criticizing Tom Hayden. 2017/02/23/gop-state-senator- a-vietnamese-refugee-removed- from-california-senate-floor- after-criticizing-late- senator/

By Katy Murphy | |
PUBLISHED: February 23, 2017 at 12:32 pm | UPDATED: February 23, 2017 at 4:15 pm

SACRAMENTO — Republican state lawmakers are decrying what they call a free-speech violation after Sen. Janet Nguyen, a Republican from Southern California, was forcibly removed from the Senate floor on Thursday morning during an attempt to criticize the late California Sen. Tom Hayden.
The unusual scene, captured on a cellphone video, shows the Vietnamese-American lawmaker being led from the floor by Capitol security officers.
Nguyen, who fled communist Vietnam with her family in the early 1980s when she was a young child, is critical of Hayden’s anti-Vietnam War activism. Hayden, who died in October, is a polarizing figure in the Vietnamese-American community, as is his former wife, actress Jane Fonda, who was widely accused during the Vietnam War of giving “aid and comfort” to the North Vietnamese enemy. Hayden was memorialized in the Assembly earlier in the week.
Nguyen rose to criticize his radical legacy, speaking first in Vietnamese and then in English. She was told repeatedly by the Senate’s presiding officer that she was out of order and her microphone was turned off, but she continued anyway, according to the video.
Outraged, the Senate GOP Caucus began circulating video footage and repurposing the popular hashtag #shepersisted — created after U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Massachusetts, was silenced while trying to read a letter from Coretta Scott King, Martin Luther King Jr.’s widow, on the Senate floor. The letter, written in 1986, was critical of Sen. Jeff Sessions, now President Donald Trump’s attorney general.

“I’m enraged at the violation to free speech, our Constitution and the precedent this sets,” Senate Republican Leader Jean Fuller, told the Sacramento Bee. “I do not believe a Democratic staffer should be able to tell one of the elected members that they are not allowed to use their freedom of speech rights to represent their people. All of her comments were legitimately representing the people in her district.”

Fuller is asking the Senate Rules Committee to look into what happened.
Asked about the incident in an unrelated news conference on Thursday, Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De León said he was “unsettled across the board” about what happened. He said the senator violated parliamentary procedure and that she ignored requests to follow the rules. He said he would speak with Nguyen and Fuller to find out what went wrong.
“I’m greatly unsettled with what took place on the Senate floor,” De León said. “We want to give everyone the opportunity to have the ability to speak their mind.”

Katy Murphy
Katy Murphy is based in Sacramento and covers state government for The Mercury News and East Bay Times, a beat she took on in January. Before that, she was the news organization's higher education reporter, writing about UC, CSU, community colleges and private colleges. Long ago, she covered Oakland schools and other K-12 education issues.

Tin Tổng Hợp

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