Monday, August 29, 2016

Sử gia Mỹ muốn phỏng vấn cựu chiến binh QLVNCH

Tiến sĩ Erik B. Villard, một sử gia hiện làm việc tại Trung Tâm Quân Sử Hoa Kỳ muốn phỏng vấn các cựu chiến binh Quân Lực Việt Nam Cộng Hoà.

Ông sẽ có mặt tại Quận Cam California 11-19 tháng 9 2016 để phỏng vẫn một số cựu chiến binh QLVNCH với mong muốn 'ghi nhận công lao và vinh danh' vai trò` của họ trong chiến tranh Việt Nam.

Nếu quý vị là cựu chiến sĩ QLVNCH hay có quen biết các cựu chiến sĩ QLVNCH muốn trình bày câu chuyện của mình xin liên lạc:
Dr. Erik B. Villard

Kính chuyển. Xin xem thông báo Anh ngữ và bản tin của Sacei (Viên Văn Hóa Giáo Dục Nghệ Thuật Sài Gòn) dưới đây.

Quỳnh Dao

From: Sacei Paul [
Sent: Tuesday, August 30, 2016 7:30 AM
To: Sacei Paul
Subject: Sacei newsletter Sep 2016 #95


Please find attached the link to SACEI newsletter#95.

Hope you'll enjoy it and/or contribute future papers to the newsletter.

Two other things I'd like to call your attention to.   

1. Vietnam War History
One of Sacei's contributors, Dr. Villard is working with Sir Max Hastings on a book on the Vietnam War. They will be in Orange County, CA on 11-19 September, 2016 to interview former South Vietnamese veterans. If you know any Viet vet willing to tell his/her story, please contact Dr. Villard at your earliest convenience. I strongly believe that we can provide them with capable and willing narrators of the Vietnam War. See note below and many thanks. 

"My name is Dr. Erik B. Villard, a historian who works at the US Army Center of Military History and who specializes in the Vietnam War. I participated in one of your annual conferences some years ago and have attended several of your events. I am writing you in hopes that you might be able to assist me with a special project. The famous British historian, Sir Max Hastings, is writing a book on the Vietnam War, and for his research he is traveling to Orange County and LA, CA, on 11-19 September this next month to interview former South Vietnamese military personnel and civilians. Each interview will last no more than 2 hours. I’m working with Sir Max as a research partner and give him the highest possible recommendation- he is a first-rate historian who will give the South Vietnamese veterans the recognition that they deserve! Any assistance with this would be extremely helpful- thank you very much!

Dr. Erik B. Villard

2. Ride the Thunder
Ride the Thunder is a Fred Koster movie adapted from our common friend Richard Botkin's book of the same name. This is a true war story of honor and triumph. If you have not seen it, it's time to watch it on demand and at a very low price by clicking on the link below. I strongly urge you to support Koster and Botkin in their endeavor. Thanks

Let me know if you have any question.

Hoang Pham chuyen

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