Monday, April 10, 2017

A Vietnamese war photographer remembers chaos and terror in central Vietnam in March 1975

Khiem Tran spent much of the Vietnam War as a correspondent for the U.S. television networks ABC and CBS, recording history as it happened and transmitting it around the world. These photos show the chaos and terror let loose in late March 1975 as North Vietnamese forces began their invasion to take control of South Vietnam—prompting a military and civilian exodus from Hue and Da Nang, one month before the Saigon government fell.
Nang, one month before the Saigon government fell.

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Cảm Nghĩ Của Một Cựu Chiến Binh VNCH Trước Tình Thế Hỗn Mang Hiện Tại (GRK AI)

  Không khí trong căn hộ chật chội của Trần Minh Hoàng ở Westminster, California, thoảng mùi nước mắm và khói thuốc lá. Những bức tường ngả ...