Monday, June 19, 2017

RIP Trương Huỳnh,Chuyên Viên Tiềm Thám Trên Khu Trục Hạm USS Fitzgerald Gặp Nạn

Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngọc T. Trương Huỳnh,

Rest in Peace, Sailor


Mother of Navy sailor who survived collision between USS Fitzgerald and a cargo ship describes how her son tried in vain to rescue his shipmates from their flooding berth as all seven deceased men are identified

  • Navy destroyer USS Fitzgerald collided with a Philippines merchant vessel off the coast of Japan Saturday
  • Seven sailors were missing following the collision; the bodies of which were all found on Sunday 
  • Mia Sykes, mother of US Navy sailor, Brayden Harden, 19, said her son tried to save his shipmates 
  • She said Harden told her that four men in his berth and the berth above his died as water filled their berths 
  • Dakota Rigsby was the first sailor identified Saturday night as missing; Navy confirmed he's among deceased
  • Yeoman 3rd Class Shingo Alexander Douglass, 25, from San Diego; Sonar Technician 3rd Class Ngoc T Truong Huynh, 25, from Connecticut; and Gunner's Mate 2nd Class Noe Hernandez, 26, from Weslaco, Texas
  • As well as Fire Controlman 2nd Class Carlosvictor Ganzon Sibayan, 23, from California, Personnel Specialist 1st Class Xavier Alec Martin, 24, from Maryland, & Fire Controlman 1st Class Gary Leo Rehm Jr, 37, from Ohio 
  • The Navy says damage occurred to the starboard side, above and below the Fitzgerald's waterline 
  • Bryce Benson was appointed Executive Officer of Fitzgerald in 2015, he took over as Commander last month
  • During press conference on Sunday Vice Adm Joseph Aucoin said Benson was 'lucky to be alive' 
  • Aucoin said ship was struck on side where 116 crew members were asleep and Benson's cabin was destroyed 

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