Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Very moving: US Seal Team Reunites with interpretor, fellow warrior Nguyen Hoang Minh

Bill Laurie, Historian: Bam vao "Story of Minh" for video, 11 phut, rat xuc dong. Nhung chien huu gap lai sau bon muoi may nam. Sau do scroll down coi nhieu hinh anh, mot so bai bao.

Very touching story of SEAL Team members after successful 40 year hunt to find their old comrade in arms, Nguyen Hoang MInh..   Minh and his wife were brought to U.S. for a two week very heart-warming visit to see his old friends and warrior comrades.  Click on "Story of Minh" for moving 11 minute video.

Bai bao:

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