Thursday, July 21, 2016

Still No "Human Rights Dialogue" with Castro

Bill Laurie, Historian: It's been a year since relations were normalized, and the promised "dialogue" (?) on human rights has yet to be held. Big damn surprise that is. Same as with Viet Nam, Cuba, Laos. U.S. "deplores" human rights violations, vows to engage in "productive fruitful discussions" and then does absolutely NOTHING. This has gone on for almost 40 years with Hanoi, Laos, Cambodia.

In an instance of Cuba, State Dept. says it must set schedule, arrange for topics to be discussed, etc. This is idiotic.

Here's the deal: tell Hanoi....and Havana....that specific political prisoners must be released before ANY discussions are held. Period. No "deploring" this and that, no hopes for "fruitful discussions" and all that balderdash. Either the specified prisoners are released or our embassy door will be shutMonday through Thursday, and no phone calls will be taken. No more students from VN...or Cuba. At the same time, a press release will explain U.S. actions and cite abundant human rights violations, hypocrisy, and dishonesty of the regimes so condemned.

U.S. State department, perhaps because it is captive to a moronic administration, is about as useful as U.S. Dept. of Education.

One Year After US-Cuba Ties Restored, ‘Human Rights Dialogue’ Yet to Take Place

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